CP Commons Resources

CP Commons Resources

ICPGC Data Portal

The CP Commons is a centralised clearinghouse for phenotypic and genomics data. It aims to tackle the siloing, fragmentation, and inaccessibility of data and information necessary to drive genomics research in cerebral palsy.

Datasets will only be made available to recognized academic and clinical researchers.

To learn more about the CP Commons, please see our CP Commons Launch Report.

CP Commons account

If you would like to register for an account, please complete the registration form here.

Submitting Data to the CP Commons

CP Commons members must complete the Data Submission Application, which is reviewed by the CP Commons Data Custodians.

In general, the CP Commons currently accepts data:

  • From studies investigating the genomic causes of cerebral palsy.
  • From human research subjects only.
  • Whereby the clinical data is coded according to the ICPGC Commons Data Elements and the minimum clinical data required has been collected.
  • The genomics data is submitted in an accepted format as outlined in our policy.
  • The CP Commons is currently accepting only whole genome or whole exome data. If you would like to submit other data please contact ywilson@cerebralpalsy.org.au.

If you feel that your study meets the above criteria, you will need to fill out and complete a Data Submission Application. 

Clinical Data Dictionary

The clinical data dictionary was developed by the ICPGC Phenotype Working Group. The data dictionary contains 122 data elements, of which 15 are mandatory.


Clinical Data Template

The CP Commons currently only accepts clinical data submitted as a comma separated version (.csv) file format.

Genomics Metadata Dictionary

All sequencing data must be submitted with accompanying metadata. This data dictionary describes the metadata currently required.


Metadata Template

The CP Commons currently only accepts sequencing data metadata in a comma separated version (.csv) file format.

Accessing Data in the CP Commons